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Transistor Organ

This simple circuit can provide hours of enjoyment as you learn tunes, play duets or just make some really weird sounds by pushing all the buttons at once. You have probably seen this ciruit before, it is fairly common. I have seen it in several books. The best thing about the circuit is that you can tune each individual note, or go to a whole new octive by changing one capacitor (C1). Because of this, it is possible to from an entire Transistor Organ ensemble. Why you would want to do this is anyone's guess...


This is the schematic of the Transistor Organ


Total Qty.
R1-R88250K Trim Or Regular Pot
R9, R122100 Ohm 1/4 W Resistor
R10110K 1/4 W Resistor
R111220 Ohm 1/4 W Resistor
R1315K Pot
C110.01uF Capacitor
C210.1uF Capacitor
Q112N4891 Unijunction Transistor
Q212N2222 Transistor2N3904
S1-S88SPST Switch
SPKR18 Ohm 2 W Speaker
MISC1Wire, Circuit Board, Knobs For Pots


1. You can tune the organ to any instrument by adjusting R1-R8. I used a clarinet to tune mine, but you can of course use any instrument you wish.

2. The circuit may drain a 9V battery fairly quickly at full volume. You may remove R11 for even more sound.

3. You can rig up a relay and a foot switch to change C1 (for a different octive) while your playing.

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