
Some random pictures in no particular order.

Age 1 Year
(Aug 1971)
Age 2 Years
(Aug 1972)
15 years (picture on Admission Card of All India Secondary School Examination)
Our house - I grew up here, in Salt Lake, Calcutta.
My father, mother, sister and myself, Salt Lake, Calcutta - circa 1988
Bachelor Of Science with Honors in Mathematics Degree (Dec1991)
Supratim Sanyal MCA Certificate

MCA Degree
(Dec 1994)

Supratim Sanyal, Digital Equipment Corp. Business Card Start of professional life - first company provided business card: Software Engineer, Digital Equipment Corporation.
The Charterhouse Hong Kong First international business trip. Stayed in this hotel at Hong Kong (1996).
My name in Chinese, as written by a colleague in Hong Kong (1996)
Nam Jun Seoul S. Korea 2nd international business trip. Stayed in this hotel at Seoul, S. Korea. 1996.
Tokyo Subway Monorail Pass 2nd job (with Citibank Tokyo) - one of my Tokyo Subway & Monorail Transit passes.
Supratim Sanyal SMTS Hughes Network Systems 3rd job - company provided business card (Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Hughes Network Systems, Germantown, Maryland, USA).
My first car (1993 Ford Escort LX Wagon). Bought at 84,000 miles in 1998; traded in at 158,000 miles in 2003 for $400. I brought both my wife and daughter home in this car.
My pilgrimage (in 1998) to the place where most of modern computing was invented - the ZK03 facility at Spit Brook Road, Nashua, New Hampshire.
Our second vehicle (1999 Chevrolet Venture). Came home with odometer 4; we then traveled 12,000 miles in three months. Traded in for the BMW X5 in 2005.
Andrews Air Force Base, 2000. In the background is a Northrop Grumman B2 Spirit stealth bomber.
2nd anniversary, June 2000 - aboard the cruise ship Odyssey.
Universal Studios Hollywood, California, 2000.
My daughter, Tula, is two weeks old (Nov 11, 2001).
Tula's first trip to Disney World, at just under 2 months (Dec 24, 2001).
Telespazio Fucino Space Centre, Italy - the largest non-military satellie earth station complex in the world; Jan 2003. Went there a couple of times on business (Hughes Network Systems designed, developed and implemented the Inmarsat RBGAN global satellite broadband system).
Hotel Filippone: I stayed in on both trips to Telespazio Space Center, Fucino, Italy.
Ipshita and Tula after the 2003 President's Day snow-storm (Feb 15-17 2003) - 22 inches of snow within 12 hours in the Washington DC area! The top part of my pole-mounted DirecWay satellite dish is visible in the background.
3rd vehicle - my dream 2003 Ford F-150 SuperCrew XLT 4x4 with a 5.4L Triton V-8.
Vatican, Jan 2003.
Our house.
Hurricane Isabel (Hit Maryland on Sep 19, 2003) felled this tree in our front yard.
Tula at 23 months: October 4, 2003
Pisa, Italy; March 2004.
In the shadow of Nikola Tesla on Goat Island (near the former Tesla Hydropower Plant on Niagara Falls). Sept 2004.
4th Job - Affiliated Computer Services, Transportation Systems as a Systems Development Senior Specialist. This picture was taken during Installation of Open Road Tolling at the Asbury North plaza on the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey in March 2005.
Our 4th vehicle - 2005 BMW X5. Traded in the Venture and brought this home on Oct 12, 2005.
More pictures coming soon ...

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