Supra Express 56i-Sp modem setup for Linux
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This web page is intended to help people
trying to set up a Diamond Supra Express 56i Sp modem from the Linux
operating system running on IBM or compatible Personal Computers.
This page is based on my own experience in setting up such a modem
(FCC ID 4V4USA-24801-M5-E, Model 2084, SupraExpress 56i Sp). These
instructions might equally well apply to ISA PnP modems other than
the one mentioned.
There are a couple of assumptions I have made about the modem and
the computer on which the modem is
installed :
The Modem is configured to support Plug And
Play (PnP) : This is ensured by checking that the corresponding
jumper on the modem is in the position to enable PnP. The manual
which is supplied with the modem specifies the jumper number
and position (open or closed) for the modem to be in PnP mode.
Please make sure that the modem is configured to be PnP compatible
before proceeding with this guide.
The modem works from Windows : I also assume
that the modem resides in a computer which also runs Windows
(in addition to Linux), and that the modem works perfectly from
Windows. If that is not the case, i.e. the computer has no Windows
partition, then you could try the values from my /etc/isapnp.conf
file, which might or might not work on your computer.
BIOS PnP Configuration is turned OFF : For
PnP compatible BIOSes, there is an option in the BIOS setup
(in a menu like PnP/PCI Settings, Advanced or Chipset settings)
to turn PnP configuration from BIOS off. Please ensure that
this is set to OFF (or Manual, or Disabled, or None etc. as
applicable). This will leave the initialization of PnP devices
on your system to the operating system, instead of the BIOS
coming in and initializing the devices before booting the the
operating system. We want Linux to configure the PnP devices
on your system, not the BIOS.
Procedure: Follow
these steps to configure your SupraExpress 56i Sp modem to work
from Linux.
Note down the Base IO Address, IRQ and DMA
Channel number of all devices from Windows Control Panel ->
System -> Device Manager
Note down which COM port Windows uses for
the modem (e.g COM3) from Windows Control Panel -> System ->
Device Manager -> Modem
Boot into Linux
Log in as root
Execute the command
pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf
Edit the file /etc/isapnp.conf and uncomment
the lines corresponding to the values of I/O address, IRQ and
DMA for the devices noted down from Windows. Also uncomment
the lines reading (ACT Y) for each device. To uncomment a line,
delete the pound (hash) symbol ("#") at the beginning of the
RedHat 5.2, Linux-Mandrake 5.2 and later users
: Add the following line at the top of the file below the line
reading (ISOLATE CLEAR) :
If you cannot see the line (ISOLATE CLEAR) but there is a line
(ISOLATE PRESERVE), change the PRESERVE to CLEAR first. This
will cause all the Pnp devices to reset while booting.
Execute the command
isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
to initialize your PnP devices according to the information
provided in /etc/isapnp.conf
Execute the setserial command to configure
the COM port on which the Modem is connected. Possible COM port
names are /dev/cua0 (COM1), /dev/cua1 (COM2), /dev/cua2 (COM3),
/dev/cua3 (COM4) etc. The syntax of the setserial command is
setserial <device> port <IO Port Address> irq <IRQ
number> uart <UART chip ID>
where device is the COM port /dev/cuan, Port Address is the
IO Address which can be expressed in decimal or in hex with
prefix 0x, IRQ is the IRQ used by the modem, and UART chip ID
is the number of the chip used for serial communication by the
PC hardware, typically 16550A. As an example, the setserial
command I use is
setserial /dev/cua2 port 0x03e8 irq 12 uart 16550A
Set a link to the serial port device /dev/cuan
from the device /dev/modem :
ln -s /dev/cuan /dev/modem
minicom -s
and configure minicom to use the device /dev/modem. Then try
the AT command in the minicom terminal. Your modem should respond
with OK.
Add the setserial command to the end of the
file /etc/rc.d/rc.local so that it executes each time you boot
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